CRBS Conference : Cellular and molecular mechanisms of age-dependent behavioral decline in C. elegans by Dr Ken Noma

We are pleased to announce the conference by Dr Ken Noma, Associate Professor at Nagoya University, Japan at the CRBS auditorium on Monday May 15th at 10am, on the topic “Cellular and molecular mechanisms of age-dependent behavioral decline in C. elegans".

15 May 2023
10h 11h

   Date & lieu : 15 mai 2023, 10h à 11h, auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : Cellular and molecular mechanisms of age-dependent behavioral decline in C. elegans

Dr Ken Noma received a Ph.D. in Science from Kyoto University in Japan in 2010. Then, he did a postdoctoral training in Dr. Yishi Jin’s lab at UCSD, studying the development of the nervous system using C. elegans. After returning to Japan in 2017 as an assistant professor at Nagoya University, he started working on the aging of the nervous system.  He have been an associate professor since 2021.

Organisateur :

Caroline Rouaux, Inserm U 1118, Unistra, CRBS, Strasbourg