Electrophysiological alterations of the habenulo-tegmental pathway in depression induced by neuropathic pain

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS organise mensuellement un séminaire. Au mois de mai, nous accueillons Jennifer Kaufling, Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives (INCI), Unistra

9 May 2023
13h 14h

   Date & lieu :  9 mai 2023, 13h00, auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : Electrophysiological alterations of the habenulo-tegmental pathway in depression induced by neuropathic pain

Abstract :

Neuropathic pain is a chronic pathological condition resulting from injury or disease of the somatosensory system. More than 30% of patients with chronic pain will develop a major depressive disorder in their lifetime. Dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) play an essential role in reward processing, motivation and other functions. Alterations in this system have been implicated in chronic pain and major depressive disorders. Additionally, the lateral habenula (LHb), a key region in mood disorders, sends projections to the VTA. Our current work aims to identify the potential implication of dopaminergic neurons of the VTA, particularly those receiving inputs from the LHb, in the comorbidity of chronic pain and major depressive disorder. To achieve this, we combine different approach such as single-cell electrophysiology and optogenetic in a mouse model of chronic pain-induced depression.

Orateur :

Dr Jennifer Kaufling, Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives (INCI), Unistra


Organisateurs :

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS

Julie Buisson, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Raphaelle Cassel, unité Inserm 1119/Unistra
Emmanuel Darcq, unité Inserm 1114/Unistra
Valérie Jolivel, unité Inserm 1118/Unistra
Eloïse Lebaudy, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Naël Osmani, unité Inserm 1109/Unistra
Lauriane Petit, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra