The experience of time in patients with schizophrenia

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS organise mensuellement un séminaire. Au mois de mai, Anne Giersch, Directrice de recherche de l'unité Neuropsychologie Cognitive et Physiopathologie de la Schizophrénie (Inserm 1114/Unistra), va présenter les travaux de son laboratoire.

10 May 2022
13h30 15h

   Date & lieu : 10 mai 2022, 13h30, auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : The experience of time in patients with schizophrenia


In the Unit U 1114, we try to understand the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders and to develop innovative treatments. These objectives entail explaining strange symptoms, like the attribution of one’s own actions or thoughts to an alien entity, and understanding how such symptoms relate to neurobiological disorders.
After a short summary of the different ways we address these questions in the laboratory, I will illustrate our approach by showing how we explore the experience of time in patients with schizophrenia. Those patients feel disconnected from the environment and report difficult-to-describe temporal experiences, i.e. fragmented time, which would reflect the temporal fragmentation of their sense of self. Experimentally, the patients show disturbances in the detection of asynchronies and in the temporal ordering of stimuli, consistent with distortions in the temporal structure of consciousness. I will explain why the magnitude of the alterations led us to explore temporal processing at a non-conscious level. I will show the findings, which led us to propose that the strange experiences of patients reveal something even stranger in the normal functioning of the brain, and which now lead to the development of new therapeutics like cerebellum stimulation.

Orateur :

Anne Giersch,  Directrice de recherche unité Inserm 1114, Unistra, Psychiatre


Organisateurs :

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS

Florence Allain, unité Inserm 1114/Unistra
Julie Buisson, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Emmanuel Darcq, unité Inserm 1114/Unistra
Valérie Jolivel, unité Inserm 1119/Unistra
Eloïse Lebaudy, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Naël Osmani, unité Inserm 1109/Unistra