Receptor function in brain circuits: opioid receptors and GPR88

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS organise mensuellement un séminaire. Au mois de septembre, Brigitte Kieffer, Directrice de recherche de l'unité Inserm 1114/Unistra, va présenter ses travaux sur le rôle des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G.

13 September 2022
13h30 14h30

   Date & lieu : 13 septembre 2022, 13h30, auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : Receptor function in brain circuits: opioid receptors and GPR88

Abstract :
Revolutions in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) research and fascinating developments in basic neuroscience have tremendously advanced our knowledge on brain function, and opened new avenues to treat brain disease. This presentation will summarize how genetic mouse tools have allowed deciphering opioid receptor localization and function in the rapidly evolving area of opioid research, and in particular how opioid receptors operate within the neurocircuitry of addiction. Recent work linking mu opioid receptor gene and drug activities to whole-brain functional networks, using by fMRI in mice, will also be presented. Finally, we will present how similar approaches have allowed progress in the study of GPR88, a fascinating orphan receptor considered a promising target to treat neuropsychiatric disorders.

Orateur :

Brigitte KiefferDirectrice de recherche unité Inserm 1114, Unistra


Organisateurs :

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS

Florence Allain, unité Inserm 1114/Unistra
Julie Buisson, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Emmanuel Darcq, unité Inserm 1114/Unistra
Valérie Jolivel, unité Inserm 1118/Unistra
Eloïse Lebaudy, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Naël Osmani, unité Inserm 1109/Unistra