CRBS Seminar series Special : Generation of innovative murine models: How CRISPR/Cas9 changed the game

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS organise mensuellement un séminaire. Au mois d'octobre, nous recevons Dr Marie-Christine Birling, Head of Genetic Engineering and Genome Editing, Institut Clinique de la Souris-ICS-MCI, PHENOMIN, CNRS UMR7104, INSERM U964, Unistra.

18 October 2022
13h30 14h30

   Date & lieu : 18 octobre 2022, 13h30, auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : Generation of innovative murine models: How CRISPR/Cas9 changed the game

Abstract :

Animal models aimed at studying human diseases have experienced significant growth in recent decades. The latter remain essential models to validate or not the Safety part of drugs for their MA which compiles the studies conducted during preclinical development (in vivo behavior data in the non-human body).

At PHENOMIN- ICS, we routinely modify the mouse or rat genome in order to generate the model that best reproduces the different aspects of the human disease of interest. We are also providing valuable tools (reporter lines, ubiquitous and cell specific Cre ou CreERT2 mouse lines, etc…)  for research.

Thanks to the CRISPR technology, it is now possible to produce easily models of causative point mutation, deletion, duplication or inversion of genomic segments with the only size limit being the viability of the allele produced. Furthermore, it is now possible to precisely insert, or specifically replace, a genomic DNA fragment (BAC type) containing a gene and its regulatory sequences (humanization). Examples of recent successes will be shown and discussed.

Orateur :

Dr Marie-Christine Birling, Head of Genetic Engineering and Genome Editing, Institut Clinique de la Souris-ICS-MCI, PHENOMIN, CNRS UMR7104, INSERM U964, Unistra.


Organisateurs :

Le comité d'animation scientifique du CRBS

Julie Buisson, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Raphaelle Cassel, unité Inserm 1118/Unistra
Emmanuel Darcq, unité Inserm 1114/Unistra
Valérie Jolivel, unité Inserm 1118/Unistra
Eloïse Lebaudy, unité Inserm 1121/Unistra
Naël Osmani, unité Inserm 1109/Unistra