Séminaire : Clinical genetics takes flight

par David Cox - Human Genetics, Statistics & Epidemiology, Inserm/Icans

21 September 2021

   Date & lieu : 21 septembre 2021, 10h, auditorium du CRBS - jauge : 49 places maximum, protocole sanitaire

  • Sujet : Clinical genetics takes flight 

Historically, clinical decisions are made based on a limited number of factors. Even in the context of “precision” medicine, there is often a one-to-one relationship between targets and therapies. The streams of information available to clinicians are multiple and complex, often leaving them guessing with respect to crucial care choices. In this presentation, we will explore the flow of clinically relevant information. The end game will be to propose a system by which the power of this information can be harnessed to improve health outcomes for individual patients, as well as the health care system as a whole.


  • Intervenant : David Cox, laboratoire Inserm 1113/ICANS - Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg - Human Genetics, Statistics and Epidemiology
  • Hôte : Olivier Poch, CSTB, UMR 7357/CRBS - Systèmes complexes, bioinformatique translationnelle