Séminaire en ligne : Natural products for healthy aging : from molecular targets to therapy

Organisatrice : Valérie Schini-Kerth, U 1260

8 10 November 2021
9h 13h
Virtual symposium

   Date & lieu : 8-10 novembre 2021, 9h-13h

This symposium, co-hosted by the University of Strasbourg, Stellenbosch University and the University of Adelaide, and sponsored by The Academic Consortium for the 21st Century (AC21), will explore the latest science and advancements in the field of natural products and healthy ageing. We expect our participants will include academic researchers, industry, regulators and medical practitioners. Speakers (both experts and early career researchers) from Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia and the Americas will present their latest research in any of the overall themes of the Symposium, including:

- The pivotal importance of a healthy diet rich in selected fruits, vegetables, plant-derived products and other nutraceuticals to prevent the development of major diseases associated with ageing including cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

- The scientific evidence for the beneficial effects of active natural compounds and their underlying mechanisms.

- The overlap between Western medicine, Traditional Medicines and nutraceuticals.