Séminaire : Heart failure : from pathophysiology to current and future therapies

We are pleased to annonce a seminar of Pr Faiez Zannad at the CRBS auditorium, on Friday 24th March, from 3:30pm to 5:30pm, on the topic "Heart failure : from pathophysiology to current and future therapies".

24 March 2023
15h30 17h30

   Date & lieu : 24 mars 2023, 15h30,  auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : Heart failure : from pathophysiology to current and future therapies


Orateur :

Pr. Faiez Zannad, Université de Lorraine, Thérapeutique et Cardiologie, Centre d'Investigation Clinique Inserm et CHU Nancy


Organisateur :

Pr. Valérie Schini-Kerth, Founder anc Co-Director of the International Master of Biomedicine Chair, IUPHAR Natural Products Section, UMR 1260 Inserm, Nanomédecine Régénérative