Seminar : Which meta-ethics will AI bring for the XXIst century? Cybernaturalism and beyond

We are pleased to announce the seminar by Pierre Collet, Professor in Computer Science at Strasbourg University, at the CRBS auditorium, on Tuesday July 12nd at 4pm, on the topic “Which meta-ethics will AI bring for the XXIst century? Cybernaturalism and beyond”.

12 July 2022
16h 18h

   Date & lieu : 12 juillet 2022, 16h00, auditorium du CRBS

  • Sujet : Which meta-ethics will AI bring for the XXIst century? Cybernaturalism and beyond



Since humans developed societies about 8000 years BCE, "ethics" described how humans were interacting together. However, something new is now interacting with humans in the 21st century: Artificial Intelligence. Does this change ethics between humans and how?

This conference will first present a vision of intelligence and artificial intelligence, before describing the 3 different ethics that emerged since the dawn of humanity.

It will then explore how AI could create a 4th ethics, that we will call "cybernaturalism", and possibly a 5th ethics with a vision of "strong AI" that could be different of what most people have in mind...


Orateur :

Pr. Pierre Collet, distinguished Professor in Computer Science at Strasbourg University, has been teaching artificial evolution and artificial intelligence since 1998. Head of the FDBT then BFO team of the ICUBE laboratory since 2007. In 2014, he co-founded the UNESCO CS-DC UniTwin and in 2016, he co-created the CSTB research team at CRBS and the UFAZ Franco-Azerbaijani University in Baku, Azerbaijan. Author of more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, he specializes on Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence, massively parallel artificial evolution, quantum computing, emergent e-education and epistemology.